Monday, 14 December 2009


when i kissed her
blood started dripping
from my lower lip
it was a gentle touch
of the flesh
but her face
was a broken mirror
reflecting a shaken image
of you

the ink i filled my pen with
refused to touch the paper
no matter how hard
i tried to negotiate the lines
the words smiled at me
then disintegrated

it was not a question
of writing a letter
that refused to be written
sitting at the edge of the universe
does not bode well
even though at times
we don’t have a choice
especially if we were born

we break too many doors
trying to get in
and when one opens
you are not there
because who you were
crashed against the hard surface
i have become

so go ahead
throw your scarf in the river
it will float for some time
then sink
no one will see it after that
but you will know it’s there
and that will be your poem

Saturday, 5 December 2009

the cheapest wine

that yellow flower
you gave me
lighted my days
and afterwards
i could not understand
how the color turned blue
it defied many logics
something broke
and the shards pricked my feet

i was suspended in a space
of my own making
the climb down
was the longest journey
the deafening sound
in my ears
was of a waterfall
and i could not speak

it was not what you wore
that i disliked
but what you wrapped yourself with
was wearing thin
and the nakedness underneath
alarmed me
there were no writings
on the wall of that cave
nothing came out
and it smelled like an ending

our last meal
was a hand rolled cigarette
all crumpled
and left out to dry
because the cheapest wine
i tasted from your lips

Thursday, 3 December 2009

Honor Killings II

my reply to comments on my article on honor killings at link below...‘honour-killing’