Monday 14 December 2009


when i kissed her
blood started dripping
from my lower lip
it was a gentle touch
of the flesh
but her face
was a broken mirror
reflecting a shaken image
of you

the ink i filled my pen with
refused to touch the paper
no matter how hard
i tried to negotiate the lines
the words smiled at me
then disintegrated

it was not a question
of writing a letter
that refused to be written
sitting at the edge of the universe
does not bode well
even though at times
we don’t have a choice
especially if we were born

we break too many doors
trying to get in
and when one opens
you are not there
because who you were
crashed against the hard surface
i have become

so go ahead
throw your scarf in the river
it will float for some time
then sink
no one will see it after that
but you will know it’s there
and that will be your poem

Saturday 5 December 2009

the cheapest wine

that yellow flower
you gave me
lighted my days
and afterwards
i could not understand
how the color turned blue
it defied many logics
something broke
and the shards pricked my feet

i was suspended in a space
of my own making
the climb down
was the longest journey
the deafening sound
in my ears
was of a waterfall
and i could not speak

it was not what you wore
that i disliked
but what you wrapped yourself with
was wearing thin
and the nakedness underneath
alarmed me
there were no writings
on the wall of that cave
nothing came out
and it smelled like an ending

our last meal
was a hand rolled cigarette
all crumpled
and left out to dry
because the cheapest wine
i tasted from your lips

Thursday 3 December 2009

Honor Killings II

my reply to comments on my article on honor killings at link below...‘honour-killing’

Friday 20 November 2009


To turn sadness and the emotions of loss into such an elevated form of spiritual resonance with life through music is an amazing feat! There must be something special about the Portuguese.

Please click on Mariza and Mariza 2 under Good Links...

Friday 13 November 2009

A Royal Dip

He called it his Royal Dip. Four or five days a week, he would fill the hydro-massage tub in one of his bathrooms with hot water and soak his tired bones in it for half an hour to an hour at a time. More so in the winter months. Always in the early hours of the evening.

Sometimes the water would be too hot and he would remember what one of his cousins told him about too much hot water not being good for a man’s semen.

He was old now and did not care much. Over the years he had several relationships but no children. But every now and then he would dream about a young daughter, four or five years old, hugging him. He loved children.

Whenever he remembered his cousin’s words, he would also remember the only child he almost had. He was engaged-to-be-married to someone when she became pregnant. She insisted on having an abortion and he never understood why. He had given her an engagement ring and they were betrothed but for a written document. And were planning for a wedding.

It was only later, many years later, as he recalled snippets of conversations he had with one of her cousins, that it occurred to him: she had no intention of staying married to him for long. He was her ticket out of a particular reality. She intended to leave him afterwards and did not want anything to hinder that. No traces of him left in her life.

When he took her to the OBGYN’s, she asked for a female doctor and the first one refused to perform the abortion. The second doctor came into the room where they were and put the echo sensor on her stomach. The image of their unborn child in her belly was on the screen next to the clinic’s bed she was lying on.

He still remembers the doctor saying “it’s a healthy baby boy.” His fiancĂ© tilted her head sideways, looked at the screen and said that she would like to have the abortion performed as soon as possible.

He asked her many times afterwards why she did it. He told her that he needed to understand and that this was important for them to continue being together. Why did she insist on having an abortion when they were engaged, living together and planning to marry? She never gave him an answer and their relationship fell apart.

I felt sorry for him; to be reminded of such a sad episode when he was supposed to be relaxing in a bathtub. But I guess ghosts of lives past are everywhere.

Monday 9 November 2009

Stock Market Notes II: Liquidity

Please click on link below for my latest commentary on stock market liquidity...

Monday 2 November 2009

Stock Market Notes I : What's in an Exchange?

My latest note on the stock market and exchange sector at link below...

Thursday 29 October 2009

A Day In The Life Of Selim

Selim woke up at his usual hour in the morning, slightly dazed. His wife was shuffling her way out of their bed and in the dim light of the bedroom he could see her hair. It was messed up and puffed; never a good sign.

For the past few days he has been feeling a certain anxiety building up inside him. And today, when he walked out of their rundown apartment building in a side street behind the Tabakeve Mosque in Tirana, he sensed that things were coming to a climax. The atmosphere, which has been thickening for days, was now almost corrosive. It rubbed people into a raw state. Selim shook his head. That is not good. No, Sir!

Selim is 65 years old and retired. He spent his life working as a truck driver, first for one of the state’s heavy machinery factories on the outskirts of the capital and afterwards, in recognition for his strong commitment to the communist party, he was one of a handful of truckers allowed to transport goods between Albania and the outside world; a status that allowed him to make some extra cash on the side once in a while.

Now, he spends his days drinking coffee, reading newspapers and watching television. He has a daughter living with them and working at a bank, and a son who is in Italy working as a mechanic. He owns his apartment and with the money his son sends him every month and what his daughter earns, they make do. It could be worse. A lot worse. Selim knew this, and he was grateful.

Selim’s head was full of thoughts as he sought his local to meet up with friends of similar demeanors; a daily ritual, unless it is raining. For months now he has been contemplating asking his son and daughter to pay for an airline ticket and expenses so that he can make the pilgrimage to Mecca. Perhaps it is time.

Selim was not a religious man. His wife is Albanian Orthodox; not an uncommon combination under communism when all citizens were coaxed into ignoring all sorts of conviction except what the party espoused. In their household, they observed both Christian and Muslim holidays. So did many of their neighbors and friends.

No, it was not about religion. Selim was getting older by the day and he wanted to find a way to God. And the way he was most familiar with was that of his father and grandfather before him. He wanted to die in peace and he was a truck driver, through and through. And any truck driver worth his wheels would tell you that to get from point A to point B you need to map out a course; a road with as few obstacles as can be.

Back in the early 1990s after Albania opened up, many Christian missionaries came in and set about preaching. Selim was invited to several of these new churches and he attended some Sundays. But, as his trucking days in Europe taught him, the more south you are, the closer you are to the heart of old Europe. And, to him, old Europe was Catholic and Orthodox. It will take a long time for reformation of any kind to gain traction over here.

But it also did not make sense to Selim to become Catholic or Orthodox. For him, converting meant you cared about religion, and he did not; he was looking for God and did not care which road took him to Him because, again, as any good truck driver would tell you, there is more than one good way to get to one place. The safest approach is to follow the road you know best. Especially as you get older, your eyes weaken and your senses dim. Taking new roads is for the young, when the mind is fresh and unburdened and the spirit is free and eager.

Selim’s local was in the Bllok; a block in the center of Tirana where the former communist nomenclatura lived and worked and now a raging spot of nightlife and a coveted space of apartments and offices. And to get to the Bllok, Selim had to cross the main boulevard; Tirana’s main street running from the university at one end to the train station at the other.

Selim’s legs are not as strong as they used to be. All those days and nights working the pedals in his communist standard issue class A truck left their toll on his muscles, lower back and joints. And if the traffic lights were not working, crossing that boulevard of lost dreams can become a nightmare at his age and in his state.

And as luck would have it, the lights were off. There was a policeman waving his hands and blowing at his whistle trying to steer traffic. But Selim knew better. He knew that his compatriots discovered speed in the 1990s and did not quite have their fill of it yet. He also knew that authority, any authority, in his country was deliciously ignored.

Selim stood on the sidewalk next to the dark, cold traffic lights and stomped his cane three times on the ground as if Moses wishing to part the Red Sea before him. He then attempted, in the cover of a small group of fellow pedestrians, to cross, unhindered by fear or foe, to the other side. The policeman stared at them with a look of resignation on his face. There was nothing he could do…

And the brave trek commenced. They were a group of about 8, of mixed ages and gender, huddled together, trying to summon courage from thin air and exhaust fumes. Horns where blowing in all kinds of tones and decibels. Tires were screeching.

Halfway through the crossing, Selim began to hum a tune, something from Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, in anticipation of an Ode to Joy he was hoping to experience once he arrives at the other side of the boulevard.

It was at that moment that Selim’s mouth went dry. He had a faint taste of silver on his tongue. He raised his eyes to the sky and he could see the screechy blue color that has been hanging up there for the past few days gathering speed. And he shouted to himself in a voice that no one would have heard: Are you leaving or staying? I’m not coming with you. I am a professional truck driver and I have to know where I am going before I start my engine!

Saturday 17 October 2009


Some cultures enjoy a high level of trust; they seem to have an innate ability at generating goodwill amongst their members. Other cultures do not. Trusting others in a non-trusting society is a depleting exercise, and seemingly futile.

For a society to be a trusting one, it would have to enjoy a high degree of cohesiveness. Its members would have to share a common frame of reference. Societies in flux are communities in the making and trust tends to be a rare commodity in those situations.

If one lives in a non-trusting society, one is inoculated at birth and repeatedly thereafter against the pitfalls of certain behavior patterns. There are no misunderstandings due to cultural variables. One Plus One does not equal Two and everyone knows that. They also know what possible numbers it might add up to depending on what kind of digits are being added, who is doing the adding, when, where and how.

When one is thrust upon new horizons, the move up the learning curve can be steep. Learning to speak the language of a new place may not prove to be an easy exercise. It is not so much the language of the letters that we need to learn but that of the soul, the mind and the spirit. These are the levers that we use to negotiate the structures of our relationships and the parameters within which our relationships function.

My friend was giving me an earful: sometimes it is good to start with bad assumptions; there is no need to be so trusting all the time. If your starting point is that someone is going to cheat you, your chances of getting hurt are much less.

I did not know what to say. I could see her logic. Especially me. I always believed in giving everyone an equal amount of benefit of doubt and that it was up to them then to increase or decrease this reserve. But, given the terrains I inhabited, this approach has proven to be exhausting.

Like any person, my actions are driven by needs. And the need in this case was to compensate for the sense of abandonment I experienced growing up. I was so eager to be included; to be part of groups of human enterprise that I overlooked cracks in the foundations. I compromised where another would have walked away, or not endeavored at all.

Human relationships are tender constructs. They can be forged with blood, sweat and tears or with something as simple and powerful as a smile or a handshake. And they are malleable. The same bonds that can break with the first drops of rain can sustain Mount Ararat.

Human relationships are the veins and arteries of our universe. They are the conduits through which we live and breathe. And through them, we connect to the quarries of our souls and mine the seams of whatever is good in our lives. They are too precious to be subjected to the withering winds of our whims, prejudices and greed.

Wednesday 26 August 2009

Must We Always Fight?

The portrait you painted
was of a wounded man,
his emaciated face, with cropped hair
stared at me
for weeks.

The figure is standing straight
facing me
but I walked away
with an image of a bent man;
he was not broken
but the dark, grayish
red that has become
your signature of late
haunts the canvass
like a shroud.

The marks on his body
seemed like gashes,
they were long and vertical,
and deliberate.

The scene reminded me
of a Fairuz song;
something about the eyes of a woman
being mightier than the sword.

And I wondered why
he was cut
every time you looked at him.

Strange that you could only
talk of the Giacometti feet;
how determined
and grounded they were...

I saw them tired,
naked and cold.

It would have been a beautiful picture,
if it wasn't for the pain.

Saturday 22 August 2009

Days on the Mountain

Last night
the face of the moon was ragged.
And I did not need to turn over
the remains of your Turkish coffee cup
this morning
to speak of the coming days;
Fortuna's lines were drawn
with the first sip.

The old water heater was making a sad
wailing noise
interrupted by silences,
as if lamenting a death
or the soft cry of an animal in pain.

You always told me to look
for the signs of the universe
in the simplest of places.
It talks to us, you said,
and sometimes we can hear it
but the words take strange shapes,
like a spider on a wall,
or a piece of string
crawled up and twisted
lying innocently, on the floor.

Yesterday, there was a mild earthquake
and the couch I was sitting on
rocked, gently
back and forth.
At first, I thought it was my heart
trying to shake me back
into one repose, or another.
But it was a nod from earth;
an agreement of sorts..

Friday 14 August 2009

Answer to a Shabbat Invitation

A pleasure, as always,
to break bread with you
The sea is calm
The sky is blue
We can talk of all things
big and small
India and China
even the wall
My concern is
to have enough time
to sing songs of praise
and remember a time
When a man stood tall
brave and sound
and another stood still
and later flew

Tuesday 23 June 2009

Uta's Song

What magic lies
Within your eyes

What smile

Is it the sun

To cross
A thousand
And one a mile
To hold a hand
And beg
For that magic spell

Cambridge, MA

Thursday 18 June 2009


VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - The Vatican has warned journalists who will travel with PopeBenedict to Lourdes next month not to put the revered water from the shrine in their hand luggage on the papal plane or it may be confiscated.

The pope will travel Sept 12-15 to Paris and the site in southern France where the Madonna is said to have appeared to a peasant girl, Bernadette Soubirous, 150 years ago.

The millions of pilgrims who visit the shrine each year drink from its fonts, many believing its water to be potentially miraculous and healing. Most take bottles of it away with them.

"In order to avoid their confiscation during security controls at the airport, Air France recommends putting any bottles of Lourdes water in baggage what will go into the hold of the plane," a Vatican advisory to reporters said.

While the water from Lourdes is not strictly considered "holy" -- holy water is found in churches and must be blessed by a priest -- many websites about Lourdes describe it as "holy".

Security measures limiting liquids allowed in carry-on baggage have been in effect since 2006 when a plot to bring down planes with liquid explosives was discovered.

(Reporting by Philip Pullella)


The interesting thing about the above article, which was published in Sept of 2008, is how similar human religions are.  Whether it is the water from Lourdes or Mecca's Zamzam or bathing in the Ganges River in India, we seem to have a fixation with "blessed water."  The idea that cleansing the soul, the warding off of evil and attaining closeness to holiness can be had via consuming water, internally or externally, must be amusing to any alien forms of life observing us from a far away galaxy.

However, when we recall that around 70% of our human bodies are composed of water, most of our earth is made up of water, and that it is the one thing we cannot live without for long (apart from oxygen which is part of H2O!), then it is easy to understand how water came to embody such important symbolism.

And that is what many rituals and metaphors in various religions stand for:  symbols of this life and how we can make it better.  Symbols that have more in common than we realize at first glance.
